Excerpt: Despite a vast set of rules and regulations concerning architecture for disabled people, the built environment still lacks functionality and accessibility. Architecture is often not suitable for handicapped people, whether the impairments are permanent or temporary. Building regulations focus mainly on wheelchair users as a stereotype disabled person while disregarding other limiting factors to other fringe groups. The variety of impairments being immense and architecture needing to be useable or adaptable to the needs of every person, more suitable guidelines than strict and non-flexible building regulations are necessary. Todayʼs state of the art in accessible design is called Inclusive Design. In contrast to other regulations for disabled people, Inclusive Design doesnʼt give a set of rules, but principles for orientation. The thesis will explain that ID is not a new idea, but is a logical consequence deriving from the history of design for disabled people. Furthermore the application of ID in different European countries will be shown.
::: Download: Inclusive Design - Architecture for Everyone, MA thesis, 2011, 76 pages
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photograph via Robotix
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